Tea's Umbrella
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Free for youtube subscribers: https://youtube.com/teabeepea
dm teabeepea#3773 with screenshot proof for your voucher
〔❀〕• If you leave your discord you can choose to get 15% off your next purchase!
〔✿〕• Made from scratch
〔❀〕• Quad mesh, 488 polys
〔✿〕• Personal, Commercial, Public model, Free Model License. VRChat, Vtubing, and any other model related efforts allowed
〔❀〕• Do not claim as your own, credit teabeepea#3773 if you use
〔✿〕• Custom textures available on request
〔❀〕• 4 textures, 1 material slot
〔✿〕• Don't redistribute on it's own or resell it
~Do not redistribute, share, sell, or claim these assets in whole or in part, as yours
~Do not take parts off these assets for reuse or resale unless on a finished avatar
〔✿〕• Check out more of my work in Tea's Garden!
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Unity Package